Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Thema Facebook Kinal JKT48

1.Buka Google Chrome Anda (Yang Belum Punya Download Dulu)
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Selasa, 30 April 2013

cara bermain hacker id

Pertama, aktifkan dulu file HackerID.exe nya.

Pilih menu Permainan Baru dan isikan nama anda.

Senin, 29 April 2013

Black Hat Hacker's

A black hat is a person who compromises the security of a computer system without permission from an authorized party, typically with malicious intent. The term white hat is used for a person who is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer systems, but is frequently no less skilled. The term cracker was coined by Richard Stallman to provide an alternative to using the existing word hacker for this meaning.[1] The somewhat similar activity of defeating copy prevention devices in software which may or may not be legal in a country's laws is actually software cracking.
Use of the term "cracker" is mostly limited (as is "black hat") to some areas of the computer and security field and even there, it is considered controversial. Until the 1980s, all people with a high level of skills at computing were known as "hackers". A group that calls themselves hackers refers to "a group that consists of skilled computer enthusiasts". The other, and currently more common usage, refers to those who attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Over time, the distinction between those perceived to use such skills with social responsibility and those who used them maliciously or criminally, became perceived as an important divide. Many members of the first group attempt to convince people that intruders should be called crackers rather than hackers, but the common usage remains ingrained. The former became known as "hackers" or (within the computer security industry) as white hats, and the latter as "crackers" or "black hats". The general public tends to use the term "hackers" for both types, a source of some conflict when the word is perceived to be used incorrectly; for example Linux has been criticised as "written by hackers". In computer jargon the meaning of "hacker" can be much broader.
Usually, a black hat is a person who uses their knowledge of vulnerabilities and exploits for private gain, rather than revealing them either to the general public or the manufacturer for correction. Many black hats hack networks and web pages solely for financial gain. Black hats may seek to expand holes in systems; any attempts made to patch software are generally done to prevent others from also compromising a system they have already obtained secure control over. A black hat hacker may write their own zero-day exploits (private software that exploits security vulnerabilities; 0-day exploits have not been distributed to the public). In the most extreme cases, black hats may work to cause damage maliciously, and/or make threats to do so as extortion.
Techniques for breaking into systems can involve advanced programming skills and social engineering, but more commonly will simply be the use of semi-automatic software. Common software weaknesses exploited include buffer overflow, integer overflow, memory corruption, format string attacks, race conditions, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery, code injection and SQL injection bugs

5 Hacker Atau Peretas Berbahaya di dunia

Peretas masa kini membuat pusing banyak orang tak terkecuali negara besar seperti Amerika Serikat. Mesin pencari Internet seperti Google dan Yahoo! pernah lumpuh serta tidak dapat diakses lantaran ulang para peretas.

Selain membuat lumpuh sistem komputer, mereka juga kerap mencuri data-data penting. Ribuan peretas saban harinya berusaha menembus pertahanan Pusat Data Intelijen Amerika Pentagon, seperti dilansir surat kabar the Huffington Post (2007). Hingga kini pertumbuhan peretas semakin bertambah banyak dan ada beberapa nama paling berbahaya membuat agen mata-mata serta intelijen ikut memburu mereka.

Siapa saja lima peretas berbahaya itu? Berikut ulasannya.
1. Robert Morris
Lima peretas paling berbahaya sejagat
Robert Tappan Morris
Robert Tappan Morris lahir pada 8 November 1965. Dia pencipta virus cacing Morris yang berbahaya untuk operasi sistem komputer Anda.

Bakat komputer Morris turun dari sang ayah, Robert Morris senior, bekerja pada Sentral Keamanan Komputer Nasional Amerika Serikat.
2. Linus Torvalds
Lima peretas paling berbahaya sejagat
Linus Benedict Torvalds
Linus Benedict Torvalds lahir di Ibu Kota Helsinki, Finlandia, 28 Desember 1969. Dia seorang peretas yang juga menciptakan perangkat operasi sistem Linux kernel. Sistem ini menjadi operasi standar para peretas.
3. Mark Abene
Lima peretas paling berbahaya sejagat
Mark Abene
Dia peretas termuda pernah dicari Biro Penyelidikan Federal Amerika Serikat (FBI). Mark Abene lahir di Kota New York pada 1972. Dia mengenal komputer sejak kanak-kanak.

Kini banyak orang menyewa jasanya untuk melumpuhkan peretas-peretas dari berbagai negara.
4. John Thomas Draper 
Lima peretas paling berbahaya sejagat
John Thomas Draper
 John Thomas Draper juga dikenal dengan nama� peretas Kapten Renyah. Dia tokoh legendaris dalam dunia program komputer terutama pembobolan jaringan telepon. Dia sangat ahli di bidang itu.

Draper pernah mengerjai Presiden Amerika Serikat Richard Nixon dengan menelepon langsung ke Gedung Putih. Hingga kini dia yakin Nixon masih penasaran dengan telepon itu.
5. Kevin David Mitnick
Lima peretas paling berbahaya sejagat
Kevin David Mitnick
Kevin David Mitnick lahir di Kota Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat, pada 6 Agustus 1963. Dia peretas paling berbahaya dan namanya masuk pertama kali di Biro Penyelidikan Federal Amerika (FBI). Dia sudah berhasil membobol berbagai rahasia Gedung Putih dan Pentagon. Meski dia Yahudi namun dirinya sering menyerang situs keamanan Israel hingga sering tidak bisa diakses.

Mitnick akhirnya tertangkap pada Januari 1995 di apartemennya Kota Raleigh, Negara Bagian North Carolina. Dia didakwa atas penyerangan terhadap aset rahasia pemerintah Negara Adidaya itu. Dia masuk bui hanya 2,5 tahun saja.

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Cara Mencari IP Komputer Orang

Kali ini saya kepingin sedikit membahas tentang cara melacak ip address orang lain. Wah kaya detektif saja :D. Jujur saya disini tidak sedikitpun mengerti tentang jaringan komputer. Hanya saja saya teringat dahulu pernah membuat sebuah web yang saya gunakan untuk statistik dan disitu ada script deteksi IP address. Akan tetapi saya sendiri juga tidak tahu cara memanfaatkannya untuk apa. Cara melihat ip address orang lain ini sangat simpel dan disini kita bisa memanfaatkan sosmed untuk menjaringnya.